Anba Beshoy Old Church
The church is from the fourth century and embraces three sanctuaries. The main sanctuary is dedicated to Saint Bishoy, and ...
The church is from the fourth century and embraces three sanctuaries. The main sanctuary is dedicated to Saint Bishoy, and ...
H.H. Pope Shenouda III wrote in El Keraza magazine issue 17 November 1978 about St. Bishoy Monastery: "St. Bishoy Monastery ...
Chrism or Myron is a Syrian word means myrrh or consecrated oil. It consists of twenty eight material, each extracted ...
The monastery of Saint Bishoy the great is one of the oldest monasteries in Egypt. It was established by Saint ...
The monastery is 2 acres and 16 carats. Prince Omar Toson was the first to measure its area and the ...
The Holy Family moved from the Filuseyat area until it reached "Kassion's Head" or Ras Al-Kassion that overlooks Lake Bardawil, ...
The Holy Family left the village of Meir and headed to Mount Qasqam, which is about 12 km west of ...
Since the Christianity had started to widely spread in Ethiopia. Ethiopians loved and adored the places where Jesus Christ lived ...
The history of the fort began in 6th / 7th century. However some archaeologists dated back to the 8th century. ...
This church is the oldest in the monastery and is unique in its simple structure, taking into consideration the maintenance, ...