Samanoud is located in the northeast of Gharbia Governorate, on the banks of the Damietta branch of the Nile, about five kilometers from the city of Mahalla Al-Kubra and fifteen kilometers from the city of Mansoura in Dakahlia Governorate.
Samanoud was known in the ancient Egyptian texts as (Thub-Neter), meaning the temple of God. Then, in the Greek era, it became (Spenites) and in Coptic it was called (Gemnoty), then (Samanoud) in Arabic.
The city of Samanoud became famous in the era of the Samanoudy dynasty, which is the thirtieth dynasty of the ancient Egyptian dynasties, when it became the capital of all of Egypt. This family was founded by Nakht Nabf I, whose home town was Samanoud.