Holy Family Trail ..the journey to enter Egypt and return to Palestine The map shows the journey of the...
In light of the international closure due to the Corona epidemic, a virtual exhibition was opened in June 2020, coordinated...
Pope Theophilus: Patriarch of Alexandria 385 - 412 AD. He was a student of Pope Athanasius the Apostolic. He was...
Modern Architectural and Spiritual Renaissance since 1969 As soon as the visitor steps inside the monastery, and his eyes fall...
Anba Makar Church Anba Makar Sanctuary It is a great monument since its beginning in year 360 AD and attracted...
St. Macarius descended from the north of Wadi El-Natrun to its far south around the year 360 A.D., when he...
Satan has moved a group of villains called the Berbers to destroy these monastic communities. The Berbers are savage people...
During the passage of the Holy Family in "Mount Natron", south of the wilderness of Shehit or Scete, the divine...
Wadi al-Natrun is a depression in the desert named after several names, the first of which was "Sakht Hamat" which...